Freezing the moment
Last date for submission: Sept. 30, 2016
“Freezing the moment”
Ended on:
Sept. 30, 2016
Participate to win Sony Gifts worth up to ₹50,000!
soumodeep bose

Expert's Comment: "Frozen in time", the image captures action of child along with beautifully framed colors and tones in the background sky. Overall image looks very dramatic & full of action.
Have you tried clicking a fast moving subject? What is that one thing you miss all the time when you have the right idea and awareness? It’s the precision and ability of your camera to follow the subject – that makes a picture reach its perfection. It’s time you express this moment in our α Photo Challenge theme for October ‘Freezing The Moment’ with your α Camera. Who knows, the right moment might win an α lens!”