Call Of The Wild
Last date for submission: May 31, 2016
“Call Of The Wild”
Ended on:
May 31, 2016
Participate to win Sony Gifts worth up to ₹50,000!
Rahul Meshram

Expert's Comment: Leopard captured head-on looking straight into the lens with an aggressive mood makes it truly wild, despite it is considered to be a Shy Wild Cat. Low vantage camera angle creating shallow depth-of-filed and making the animal stand out from the lush green forest background beautifully.

The world never lacks the wonder of it’s amazement when explored in it’s true and wildest state. The wilderness has always been of the offering for us to be thrilled and awestruck by what it contains. Share your explorations for the theme 'Call of the wild' by sending in your photographs clicked with Alpha Cameras. You just might go on to win an Alpha lens for the same!
Rules – Please enter images of Wild Animals (No Birds Please). Pictures taken in Wildlife Sanctuaries are eligible. Any picture taken of animals in Zoo or in captivity will not be acceptable for the contest.