Connect to Earth
Last date for submission: March 31, 2019
“Connect to Earth”
Ended on:
March 31, 2019
Participate to win Sony Gifts worth up to ₹50,000!
pavan sakaram

I am jeweller by profession I am based out of Kurnool Andhra Pradesh. Photography is my passion. I would love to travel around the world and it gives me a chance to meet and know the lives of people. I also gets a chance to capture the beautiful nature and moments that can be cherished for the rest of my life.
Expert's Comment: Green looks peaceful. Sun kissed Landscape captured beautifully with great form & textures throughout the frame.

As the countdown to Earth Hour 2019 begins ‒ and the whole world switches off from power-on to power-off mode ‒ it’s time for us photographers to join the sustainability movement!
#Connect2Earth this month by experimenting with nature photography, and promoting sustainable initiatives through your photo compositions. Bring to view the rainforests or the greenery in your city life; feature the wild or ethical travelling; portray the beauty of biodiversity through food, or explore the human behaviour towards nature.
Break the barrier between technology and nature through your lens with your photo entries for the Sony Alpha March 2019 Photo Contest ‒ #Connect2Earth!
- Upload your photos taken in the monthly theme.
- Entries will be judged by Alpha expert Dheeraj Paul.
- Winner will be contacted by Sony India via email.
- Prize delivery will be arranged locally.
NOTE: Images containing watermarks, logos & borders will be disqualified.