Dusk to Dawn
Last date for submission: June 30, 2015
“Dusk to Dawn”
Ended on:
June 30, 2015
Participate to win Sony Gifts worth up to ₹50,000!
Sukamal Pegu

Expert's Comment: Never confront a storm if you are afraid of the thunder. #AlphaStories #Flash

Between sunset and sunrise, there's a whole world that many people don't see. From the closing moments of sunset to the first light of the dawn, nature depicts many of her exquisite wonders which go uncaptured, unseen. So this time around, we invite you to submit photographs clicked with Alpha that capture such photos and present a new experience of time and light during these hours. Be it drops of dew under the morning sun or a slender crescent moon behind a tree, the theme for this month – “Dusk to Dawn” allows you to capture them all. What’s more? You stand a chance to win an Alpha lens and Alpha camera every month.