Last date for submission: Nov. 30, 2014
Ended on:
Nov. 30, 2014
Participate to win Sony Gifts worth up to ₹50,000!
Shivendu Lohera

Hi, I am Shivendu Lohera Founder & Photographer of & at TrueFrames I am a self taught photographer clicking since 2014 Won Sony Alpha Photography Competetion in 2016 Theme Colours, My first achievement ever and it completely changed my life. Now working as a professional photographer clicking beauty shots, portfolios, weddings, pre-weddings and much more.
Expert's Comment: #AlphaStories #Simplicity in Actions and Thoughts highlights MORE in LESS.
The world is a beautiful painting that is created with natural as well as man-made colours. Be it nature, architecture, food or art everything that we see is an example of how a little colour can make things look even more beautiful and captivating. It’s time you show a colourful perspective of the world with your camera.