Tour of a Lifetime
Last date for submission: Oct. 31, 2018
“Tour of a Lifetime”
Ended on:
Oct. 31, 2018
Participate to win Sony Gifts worth up to ₹50,000!
Arunkumar Nimbel

Expert's Comment: The image is one of the best of the lot and depicts theme perfectly. Love the hues in the backdrop, musician playing traditional string instrument captured inside the Camel Cart is just fabulous.

“One’s destination is never a place, but always a new way of seeing things.” ~ Henry Miller
Settling, in any form, be it habits, perceptions and ideas is unsettling, it’s regressive. Traveling is the opposite of it; it’s freeing and it’s progressive because it opens your eyes to newer outlooks, it keeps you rolling, it keeps you inspired, it keeps you relevant and it keeps you evolving.
As Benjamin Disraeli once said, “Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than I have seen”, these fleeting moments of inspiration leave an indelible mark on explorers.
While we gear up for #PhotoTours by acclaimed photographers and #SonyAlpha mentors, our monthly Sony Alpha Photo Contest – Tour of a Lifetime – is now open for your Travel Diaries and travel photography!
If you’re an explorer, a traveller, then share your travel stories with us.
Happy touring and happy clicking!
- Upload your photos taken in the monthly theme.
- Entries will be judged by Alpha expert Dheeraj Paul.
- Winner will be contacted by Sony India via email.
- Prize delivery will be arranged locally.
NOTE: Images containing watermarks, logos & borders will be disqualified.