on Sept. 19, 2019, 12:23 a.m. by ILCE-7RM3 , SEL1635GM
The Faith.....
The followers of lord Vitthal Rakhumai are called ‘warkari ‘. From all over Maharashtra they travel on feet to Pandharpur to celebrate Ashadhi Ekadasi. It’s called ‘wari’ .This culture is part & parcel of their daily life. The whole atmosphere feels electrifying with the songs & the traditional fugdi. One of such moments is captured here.

Wow! That's a perfect shot. Keep sharing your work with us.
Thank you !!
on Sept. 17, 2019, 6:37 p.m. by ILCE-7RM3 , SEL70200GM
The splash
It’s most exiting race I have ever seen. ‘ chikhal gutta ‘ as the name in marathi language. The bulls run on a fine muddy track with a man controlling them who stands just on a bamboo... what a balancing act !! The winning time is approximately 8 to 9 secs.

That's a perfect click. Keep sharing your work with us.
Thank you !!
on Sept. 17, 2019, 6:31 p.m. by ILCE-7RM3 , SEL70200GM
Lost in the Herd ....
Pushkar .... one of the most vibrant trading place in India . Barren land gets converted into a small settlement for a week for Kartik mela bustling with traders, families & kids living in tents along with camels & horses. This trader was waiting for the purchaser with his camels. He was almost surrounded by camels lost in his thoughts.

Amazingly captured. Cheers!
Thank you very much !!!!